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Continuing our anti-racism work

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Over the course of 2022, the Commission's core commitment to anti-racism action and change remained a pillar of our work. We continued to embed the various actions outlined in our 2021 Anti Racism Action Plan across all our roles — an employer, service provider, as a regulator and as Canada's national human rights institution.


Over the course of 2022, the Commission's core commitment to anti-racism action and change remained a pillar of our work. We continued to embed the various actions outlined in our 2021 Anti Racism Action Plan across all our roles — an employer, service provider, as a regulator and as Canada's national human rights institution.

In September 2022, we published our second comprehensive Anti-Racism Action Plan Progress Report, which is available on the section of our website dedicated to our ongoing anti-racism work. It details how we are advancing anti-racism, equity and inclusion across our various roles. The report provides an update on the specific actions we have taken, the results we have achieved, and the next steps we will pursue to maintain our momentum.

Since our last Progress Report in June 2021, we have continued to make systemic improvements to our workplace. From strengthening our complaints screening process to improving access to justice for Indigenous, Black and other racialized people. We have used our engagement with our diverse network of stakeholders to inform continued improvements to our work.

To date, we have completed 17.5% (7) of our actions, while 52.5% (21) are in progress. The remaining 30% (12) of our actions have been integrated into our way of working.

Equally important to marking this progress is how our Progress Report reaffirms the Commission's understanding of how systemic racism in Canada is deeply-rooted, complex and intersectional. We will continue to weave this understanding and our commitment to anti-racism into everything we do and everything we are.

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