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Helping people find help

Every year, thousands of people contact the Commission through our website, by phone and by email to ask for help.

In most cases, we are able to help people find the answers or solutions they need without them filing a formal discrimination complaint. In many instances, we are able to help people resolve issues quickly and informally. In other cases, we direct the complainant to the appropriate organization (e.g. a provincial or territorial human rights commission, or a designated organization that has the authority to resolve the complaint.)

The Commission also handles a significant number of formal discrimination complaints each year. As the Commission is taking steps to modernize its process and make it more accessible, it is still a legal process. As with all legal processes, human rights complaints can be complex, time consuming, and hard to navigate.

The Commission's human rights officers work with the parties to complete all the necessary steps. This often involves frequent one-on-one conversations and follow-ups with human rights officers. In cases when a complainant is in a vulnerable situation, we ensure they are helped as quickly as possible.